Friday, August 26, 2011

San Antonio

Well the second trip to San Antonio was eventful also!
In 2008 when we were driving here, a CB antenna off a truck punctured a tire on the RV causing a blowout. This time we are driving into town and following a truck that was pulling half of a modular structure as a "wide load". We saw a wheel come off the trailer and head our way.... Jim did an evasive move and the tire glanced off the RV. We weren't sure where we had damage so we had to stop. Luckily it hit the panel door behind the door. It missed the exhaust pipe, wheel, and all other critical parts on that side. Later we saw the trailer off on a side road, but we had no access to get to them, Of course the name on the truck was in micro type! Thank goodness for insurance. It got 3 of the 4 colors on the RV!.

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