Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rest day and a hike to Bald Mountain

We all needed a rest after the busy trip to Marble and elsewhere. We had a campfire and were rewarded with a beautiful sunset.
The next day we all needed a walk to get some exercise. We found a trip in Buena Vista that was close, was on a road and gave us a view of Mt Princeton. So off we go. The hike was described as an easy hike to Bald Mountain where we would be rewarded with great views of Mt Princeton, one of the "fourteeners" in the area. With hiking sticks in hand we start. Up and up we went. We hadn't checked to see how far it was going to be, but it was on a road, a rocky, dirt one, but a road. Lots of switchbacks and finally we reach the summit. It was 2.56 miles one way and about a 1800 ft increase in elevation to the top (we found out after getting back). It was a good thing we didn't attempt this earlier in our stay here.

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