Monday, August 15, 2011

Lost Canyon 4X4 drive

With nothing to do today, we decided that we would drive the Lost Canyon road. a group of Jeep people recommended it to us. Well .....Off we go to Granite and then off road! What a trip! Up until we were out of the trees. Then the mountains were surrounding us, blue sky and snow, and us. we found a working mine (the Gold Basin Mine). Streams and old cabins. Jim and I think one is right for remodeling. What views, However the old miner is buried up there.
Then we found out that on last Saturday, there were 1700 bicyclists who raced up that mountain and back down. Were we humbled. we could hardly breathe up at the 12000 ft elevation while walking. It got so rocky that we left the Escape parked and walked the last mile or two.
We would really recommend the Colorado Backroads and 4-wheel-drive trail book. Some great trips in there.
Pictures courtesy of Sherry, I forgot my camera today!

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