Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Continuing to eat our way home

 This is the work room of Mrs Hanes hand made Moravian cookies.Every cookie is hand rolled, hand cutout and packaged by a person.
 Big "Bertha"  is a mixer that was obtained from a Navy ship to mix the dough.  The only park of this cookie that is done by machine.  And how do the ingredients get into the machine ? By a person who knows the secret recipe.  3000 eggs are used when this machine if prepared to mix the cookie dough!!!
In the old days Mrs Hanes mother used this dough bowl, this baking sheet and cookie cutters to prepare the original cookies.  They are very good also. Six flavors: Ginger, Lemon, Chocolate, Butterscotch, Sugar and Black Walnut.  Yup we tasted them all on a tour!

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