Monday, June 11, 2012

Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard

Well this has been the time of the history lessons. What a quaint little area of the Cape and the Vineyard. The boat trip to Martha's Vineyard is about 45 minutes with great views of lighthouses. The tour of the vineyard is timed perfectly to give you too much time to shop of eat at the high prices on island. After the whole day on the island we went to Wareham Elks for dinner. $5.00 for ziti and sausage. Yum! We stayed in an out of the way campground right nea some cranberry bogs. They were not ripe yet, but we could imagine the site of a field of red when they ripen. The am of our changing location, we toured Plymouth, saw the Rock, a replica of the Mayflower and saw the Monument to our forefathers. The monument has all the people's names who came over on the Mayflower. I An a descendent of Decory Priest one of the travelers. After leaving the area, we stopped for a visit with some Boca friends who now live near Manchester,NH. We had a great time with them and after some unplanned RV repairs we left for Maine. A stop at LLBean for shopping and then on to Augusta, Me and a night of free chomping at the Elk's lodge there. Nice people and a great breakfast Sunday am.

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