Friday, June 29, 2012

Peggy's Cove

Today we toured Peggy's Cove and of course the lighthouse. The rocks surrounding the lighthouse are covered with Glacial Striations from twenty thousand years ago, during the glacial movement.
This has also created one of the most spectacular seashores.  Crashing waves from the Azure sea.

Lunenburg, Mahone Bay and the Ovens

Very unusual area.  Quaint houses and small shops, of course they have Bluenose II being restored and a Maritime Museum.  But the jewel in my mind is the city of Mahone Bay and on the outskirts the Natural Park called The Ovens.  The town has some very old churches that are just the perfect picture.  The ovens has some caves and areas that are more fantastic than some of the areas in Acadia Natural Park.
Stay tuned Peggy's Cove is next

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Annapolis and the tides

When we used to boat and tie up, we always worried about the tides.  How would you like a tide that varies by 28 feet.  See boat at high and low tide.  These boats were bringing in 800# of lobster a day.  At $6.99 a pound not a bad haul.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Annapolis Royal

On every trip there will be problems.  Well we have had a persistent leak on the drivers side window.  So Jim decided that this was the place to fix it.  He was on top of the RV when another camper came over and said"did you know your awning is pulled away from the coach?"  Well no we didn't so let the repair begin.  Lots of help and I now have a new hanger for a fly swatter on the inside of our RV.  It is the end of the bolt  holding the awning in place.
Next we moved to Annapolis Royal.  We are right next to the lobster boats.  So enjoy a picture of some of the 800#'s of lobster brought in by this one boat.  Jim even got to hold a 13# lobster at the market where the lobster are bought and sold.

Friday, June 22, 2012

PEI near Shaw's Beach

We went for a bicycle ride today in the National Park.  Along the way we came to a fishing village where the lobster men were getting the herring bait ready for the traps tomorrow am.  There is only 1 more week of lobster season up here on the north shore.  The herring is cut up and put in net bags to then be put in the trap.  We also say another light house.
In case you wonder at the dreary nature of the was drizzling!
We also visited the Gouda Cheese lady and the PEI Preserve company.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Prince Edward Island

Well I couldn't discuss PEI without a picture of Confederation Bridge.  It is marketed as the worlds longest bridge over an Ocean (7.5 miles).  You also can't talk about the island with out the mandatory photo with the red braids and straw hat of Anne of Green Gables. We did the mandatory tour of her house,
The final picture was a real treat for me.  Last night we took a ride to see the beach and we saw 3 fox.  Of the 4of us we had no phone and no camera  So tonight we went back at dusk and were rewarded with a family of at least 5 different fox.  They were kind enough to pose for quite a while.  We even witnessed a fight.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hopewell Rocks, flower pots and 37 foot tides

You might wonder why I put the clock on this entry.  Well the tides are so high here that the park rangers must patrol the beach to make sure we are all safely back up the stairs before the tide is in.  First picture of the arch rock was taken at 9:05am.  Second picture with the kayak's  was taken at 12:05pm.  The tide here at Hopewell Rocks goes in or out at a rate of 1 foot every 7 minutes.  The tide will recede 150 feet out and rise today 37 feet.  This is a small rise since it is mid moon phase.  The pinkish color of the water is due to the sediment that remains in the constant changing water.  We also got to see a pair of Peregrine falcons.  I was not fast enough for a good photo.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hopewell Cape, NB, Cape Enrage

Now we have progressed further up the Bay of Fundy. we are at Hopewell Cape, the photo is of the water at the place called Cape Enrage.
Saw the lighthouse and a covered bridge
Tomorrow the "flower pots" Then next day Prince Edward Island.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

High tide at the Reversing tides

What a difference 24 hours makes.  Here is the same place with the tide coming in.  In this picture the salt water is coming up into the river (from the left) and the water is very calm.  Neat to see!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Jet Boat ride in St John

What an incredible experience!  They call it a jet boat ride to see the reversing falls.  What it is is some of the highest and fastest tidal pools anywhere in the world.  Top picture is a part of the river that is dropping 8+feet into the fast running water towards the ocean.  Second picture is some of the whirlpools that can exceed 50 feet across and very deep.  The final picture shows how much the tide rises. This boat ride was on St John river where it rushes out the Bay of Fundy which has the highest tides in the world.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

St Andrews, NB and the Bay of Fundy

Pictures taken from the front of our Rv.  We are camped right on the ocean.  We face the sound that feeds into the Bay of Fundy, so the tides are excessive. The top and middle picture show the road in front of the RV and then the wall, area with the tide out and then in.
Bottom picture is the road we took to drive to Minister's Island at low tide, since we drove over the sand that is under water at High tide, timing was very important.  

Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth Rock

Listed on this monument are the 100 people who came to Plymouth Rock on the Mayflower.  One of them Decory Priest is one of my ancestors. He is listed towards the top.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Our first Lobster dinner!!!!!

Acadia National Park

Where would we be if we couldn't find a place to hike!  What a wonder this park is.  Hiked 5 miles around Witch Pond.  Great weather

Elks Club Augusta Maine

Jim joined the Elks and then we found out we could stay at some of the lodges.  Here we are leaving the Lodge in Augusta Maine.  Wonderful people and a great breakfast.

Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard

Well this has been the time of the history lessons. What a quaint little area of the Cape and the Vineyard. The boat trip to Martha's Vineyard is about 45 minutes with great views of lighthouses. The tour of the vineyard is timed perfectly to give you too much time to shop of eat at the high prices on island. After the whole day on the island we went to Wareham Elks for dinner. $5.00 for ziti and sausage. Yum! We stayed in an out of the way campground right nea some cranberry bogs. They were not ripe yet, but we could imagine the site of a field of red when they ripen. The am of our changing location, we toured Plymouth, saw the Rock, a replica of the Mayflower and saw the Monument to our forefathers. The monument has all the people's names who came over on the Mayflower. I An a descendent of Decory Priest one of the travelers. After leaving the area, we stopped for a visit with some Boca friends who now live near Manchester,NH. We had a great time with them and after some unplanned RV repairs we left for Maine. A stop at LLBean for shopping and then on to Augusta, Me and a night of free chomping at the Elk's lodge there. Nice people and a great breakfast Sunday am.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


What a beautiful day, blue sky, nice breeze, no humidity and a great guide Mark who drove us around the 24 miles that make up the Battle of Gettysburg. What a bloody 3 days that must have been.  Although 3 of the 4 of us had been here before, the new facility is so nice that we could not remember seeing most of the stuff.  We also visited the Eisenhower home and grounds and were treated to a presentation on D-Day.
After a wonderful meal at the Dobbin House we are ready to move on tomorrow.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Here we are parked on the shore of Hog Island Inlet off the Atlantic Ocean.  The park is Virginia Landings, a part of the ELS resort group.  Full hook-ups, almost no people, deer, geese, birds and lots of peaceful rest.
Leaving here for Gettysburg, Pa and meeting up with Dave and Sherry. You can follow their travels at