Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We spent the last few days with friends in Willits. It was in the 40's in the am and the 80's in the pm. We toured Mendicino and Fort Bragg and just were lazy. We did wash the RV. That was a project. It turns out the friends live UP a long hill that was in parts greater than a 12% grade. Then I had to back the RV down their driveway past a leaning tree and another one that were so close that we had 8-10 inches to spare. They had some chores to do so we learned how to spit big fir tree stumps for 3+ hours and stack it. It was something different for us weary travelers.

They live in the woods so deer, turkeys and grouse were common in their yard. We saw Bucks, Does and Fawn.

Now we are in wine country. Temp today 95. AC is running full blast. The grass if you can call it that is just straw. What a tinderbox!

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