Thursday, June 4, 2009

YUP it happened again

5:30pm and the Escape has blown transmission #2. Here we are at Jennings, Fl. The car is being taken to Valdosta Lincoln Mercury dealer.

6/4/09 11:00am. We are at the dealer. We find out that there is another transmission and parts are ordered and will be here Monday or Tuesday. It will take them one working day to repair and with lots of luck and many prayers, we may be leaving the 9th or 10th. we are at the Valdosta KOA. Come on up it is raining! Ford is getting us a rental car so we cango to store andat least get the boys out for some adventure. They are only worried that their days at Missouri are going to be cut short. We will have to put Mammouth Caves on a to be visited later list!
Keep watching for the next UPDATE. "LEMON LAW" three failures. So since each transmission has made it 1400 miles before blowing----we are watching for a Ford dealer in 1400 miles! Wouldn't you????

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