Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Springfield Projects

In case you wondered where we are, we are at Jim's sister's house. Doing a few small projects for her. After being on the RV for so long we needed to do some real "home improvements".

Friday, October 9, 2009

Special Shape Balloons

WOW! If the Balloon Fiesta is not on your "bucket list" it is a must see.

We have gone over morning and night for all the flights and glows. We are having great fun, but alas will leave tomorrow and will really be heading home....slowly, but heading East

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Balloon Fiesta

We feel like kids in a candy store. Where do you look first, which do you take pictures of. You can assist the balloonist to get up in the air by holding baskets, lines or what ever they need. What fun.

Tomorrow the special shapes fly. Hope to see more, get cards and have a great time.

Rained today so all event cancelled.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Canyon De Chelly

Last year we missed this National Monument because it was out of the way. This year we decided to go there. We stayed in a free NPS Campground, took a tour of both Canyon del Muerto and Canyon De Chelly with a Najavo Guide for 3+ hours.
When we came out we also drove the South Rim drive to get a photo of the canyon from the top.
Now we are in Alberqueque moving to the Balloon field tomorrow. Batteries are charged and I can hardly wait to shoot some photos. The wind is blowing up to 50MPH gusts.
Supposed to get cold tonght and hopefully the wind dies down

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Verde Valley, Arizona

Wow, what a beautiful place. High desert and the sky is blue and the ground is very dry and sandy. We went touring some places we missed the last time we were in Sedona. The most interesting to me was Montezuma's Well. That is where the Indian women went to give birth and rest for 2 weeks before returning to the fields to work.

The park we are in is on the Verde River and there aren't very many people here. We may decide to "veg" out for 10 days before heading to the balloon fest.

Today it actually rained, not enough to start any flash flooding, but enough to wash the dust off everything. Night temperatures in low 60's days into 90+. But it is dry air (they all say that)

Monday, September 14, 2009


Tonight we are in Bakersfield, Ca. Did you know they have Trader Joes here? Good thing we saw it and decided we needed some 2 buck chuck. We un-did the Escape and set off to shop.
(Bet you are holding your breath to see what happened this time), well the tire pressure is low light was on...... so we checked and sure enought a screw was imbedded in the side wall of the tire. A nice youg man drew us a map to a tire store and of course it is a hazard so not covered under warrantee. A hundred plus dollars and 1 hour of our time and we are all set to go on one new tire.
Now the lucky part.....if we had been towing, we would not have seen the light on, the tire would have probably blown and damaged the rim and the car and we would be stranded out in the Mojave desert NOT A PRETTY THOUGHT!
no pictures, wasn't expecting an event to occur.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hailey Joy

We were hoping that our nephew's baby would be born when we were out here so we could see her. Hailey arrived (Breech) by C/S Thursday. First time grandparents are doing fine as are the parents.
We will be off to the desert Monday

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We spent the last few days with friends in Willits. It was in the 40's in the am and the 80's in the pm. We toured Mendicino and Fort Bragg and just were lazy. We did wash the RV. That was a project. It turns out the friends live UP a long hill that was in parts greater than a 12% grade. Then I had to back the RV down their driveway past a leaning tree and another one that were so close that we had 8-10 inches to spare. They had some chores to do so we learned how to spit big fir tree stumps for 3+ hours and stack it. It was something different for us weary travelers.

They live in the woods so deer, turkeys and grouse were common in their yard. We saw Bucks, Does and Fawn.

Now we are in wine country. Temp today 95. AC is running full blast. The grass if you can call it that is just straw. What a tinderbox!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

California driving

Good Bye Oregon,
Hello California.
It is very hard to believe that we have been gone 3 month tomorrow. We have traveled almost 5200 miles in the RV and lots on the Ford Explorer. We have travelled to many places that we have not been to before and are now back on familiar territory. Weare planning on being off the road for this Holiday. We are going to park the RV and stay with Jim's boss from Navy tech days.
Everyone have a safe and fun filled Labor Day.

Monday, August 31, 2009

South Jetty, Oregon

Here we are still in Oregon. Visited Heceda Head Lighthouse and the Jessie Honeyman State Park. The kids Sand Surf just like wake boarding in the water, pretty interesting. We also took a tour on a dune buggy (not the fast one). Other than the fog, wind and temperatures, it is nice here. Yesterdays high 67 and low 59. I am sort-of looking forward to being a little warmer!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Oregon Seaside

We are now at Pacific City, right on the Oregon coast. Beautiful beach and nice Thousand Trails campground. We leave tomorrow for A campground in Florence, Or. It is also on the coast. We visited the Tillamook Cheese factory and got some curds---yum.
Sunset from the campground.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mt Rainier

Jim and I got up early to make sure we got the best views of the mountain, as it was 70 miles away. Did some hiking till the visitor center opened and got this photo.

Well we did get some pictures of waterfalls and wildflowers.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

La Conner Sunset from our campsite

Today we toured Anacortes Island, Whidbey Island, Mt Erie (a high point for viewing the entire area). Crossed Deception Bridge and Rainbow Bridge. Ate a fabulous meal on the waterfront . Jim had Dungeness crab, I had Salmon. We decided to stay another day here. They are having a "heat wave" 86 degree's today, humidity NONE! Tides are very high or low even making the Ferry have to cancel 2 crossings because the tide was too low.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back in the USA

Well we successfully negotiated another border crossing. Yup they let us back in. Hardest question, what were our license numbers on the cars. Now we are trying to re-coup some of our Thousand Trails money by staying at their campgrounds, where it is free (if you don't count the annual dues).
Jim and I are planning the rest of the trip, trying to figure out where we will be for the Labor Day Holiday. We will need to make plans and get a campsite.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I know, no post for a while. We were busy hiking all over Banff/Lake Louise area and then we threw in Yoho Park just for grins. Also no internet in the Provential Parks.

Here are some pics of Takakkow Falls the highest in Canada and some mountain tops. Pictures don't seem to do justice to the place.

We are now in Kamloops, BC, where the temperature is 40 degrees higher than where we were this am. Might be able to sit outside without a jacket.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

International Peace Park Hike-8.7 miles

Today we joined rangers from Canada and the US for a hike from Waterton Park to Goat Haunt Ranger Station in the US. We left the trailhead at 10:15 am with 28 total hikers for a jaunt to the US and then a boat ride back to Canada. The hike was great the concept even better, two parks joined not only by common borders, but by common goals. I have put a picture that I took at the site of the Border, it says United States on one side and Canada on the other. What else do you observe in the photo?

Tomorrow off to Banff/Lake Louise, we are staying a week to check out that area and the Ice Field Parkway.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hiking in Waterton and driving

Went for a short Hike to some falls today. The sun actually was out for a while. Then while driving to a picnic spot we saw 4-5 bears. I tried to "shoot" them, but moving black bears are a difficult pic. Tomorrow the International Peace Park Hike. 8 miles and a boatride. Hope our colds are better and we make it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Waterton, Al

Made it up here, we are at the Waterton Springs Campground, could not get into the Provincial campground. We then drove to Pincher Creek for the windshield repair. It took the guy an hour. Hope it holds. Then we drove up to the park and signed up to walk the International Peace Walk from Waterton to Glacier and then back on the Ferry boat. We do that Saturday all day. It is raining, what else! So we decided to bite the bullet and pay for Internet service and get caught up. Enjoy. The Cameron waterfall is down town right near the campground.

Glacier National Park

Well my scenery wasn't too spectacular, seems there is smoke here from Canadian fires. The clouds are pretty, but also block the sun. Pretty place nice hikes. Going to the Sun Road YIKES!
Leaving for Waterton in Alberta, then on to Banff/Lake Louise Trailer Court a Provincial Park. The Jasper and maybe to Vancouver before coming back to US.

Have to see if we can get the "boulder smashed" windshield fixed. It is actually the size of a quarter. Darn rocks on the roads. Got all the way up here before one got the RV.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Morning in Teton West

Here is the way to see the Tetons. Jim and the girls went up for a sunrise balloon ride. I rode chase.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Good bye to Tetons

Moving on, Going North, will be going to West Glacier on the 1st
the Eagle and Great Grey Owl say have a safe trip as we leave. We saw 8 Eagles on our White Water Trip

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lots of Moose in Teton National Park

We are staying on Moose Wilson Road and itis a dirt road that leads into the park. Every day we see the Moose on our way to hike. We saw a Kestral and a great grey owl also. Today everyone went Fly fishing, I did laundry. Strikes, but no fish. Jim and the ladies had a little competition going. Tonight a music fest, Tomorrow raftin the Snake River. If alive, I'll write later.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

This has got to be close to Heaven

This is just one of the beautiful photos of the Tetons. This one is on a road called Schwabacher's Landing. A nice hike along the Snake River. We got up at 5am to take a picture at sunrise. It is beautiful as well. The mountains were pink this am. Will try again. Only one thing is wrong with this place. POLLEN!! My allergies are killing me.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Grand Tetons

Bet you all thought we were lost in the National Park somewhere. Well we were in the woods! No cell phone, TV or internet. There were Moose, Bears (Grissley and Black) Bison, Marmots And MOSQUITO's. We camped inside Yellowstone at Fishing Bridge, then moved to the south of the park at Flagg Ranch. Now we are just outside Grand Teton National Park in Moran, Wy.

Hiking has been great. No bear sitings on hikes yet. We do have Bear Spray. Here is the view out the RV front window. I will post more Pictures later.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cody, Wyoming

OMG I spent hours in a museum and then we went to a Rodeo. What a great town. 70's in the daytime, 45-50 at night. Sunny, sometimes windy but generally very nice. No humidity. The other good news is that they serve and sell Alaskan Amber here.
Tomorrow we move to Yellowstone.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rushmore and beyond

Today we left Custer, Sd and are in Ten Sleep, Wy. We did go back up to Mt Rushmore on the 4th of July and took the picture seen here. Then this am we crossed over a 9400 ft mountain range where we saywsnow for the first time this trip and drove into the valley where we are staying.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July Celebration At Mt Rushmore

Here we are awaiting the fireworks. The ceiling was so low that you could hear the booms and see the sky light up, but alas no fireworks to be seen. 40000+ disappointed people got down off the mountain by midnight and then like us drove home in the fog.. But we were there!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

July 3rd

Here we are all ready to go fishing. Note the rain gear. So we are waiting it out and praying that it stops in time for us to go up to Mt Rushmore for the spectacular fireworks and patriotic display tonight

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hiking in Custer State Park

Actually got to hike today. Did the Stockton Lake Hike, up a hill to this view of the lake and then back down again. This State Park has everything from camping sites to hotels and cabins. The lakes are beautiful.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tour today

Today we toured Wind Cave National Park (home of the "Begging Burros"). We also went to the Mammoth Exhibit where they are excavating hundreds of Mammoths Very interesting. We also saw herds of Bison and had to wait while they crossed the road..

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse

I'm feeling like a tour guide. We didn't go into the monument yet. This is taken from the road.

We also visited Crazy Horse and the picture is of what the completed monument will look like and in the background what it looks like now.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Devil's Tower

Road trip today. Left the RV in Rapid City and went to Wyoming to see the Devil's Tower. On the way back we went through Sturgis( no motorcycles there yet) and Deadwood. The weather today cool, cloudy and sprinkles. It is 72 right now!

Saw another couple we met in Badlands, but they were leaving as we were entering the National Monument.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our first Buffalo sighting

This is Henrietta, the man at the campground has owned her since

she was 6 months old. She comes when called and you get great pictures.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

On the Notch Trail

A great 1.5 mile strenuous hike where you get to go up and down these stairs. I wonder why my hamstrings hurt today. The steps were so far apart, I had to use my knees to reach the next one. These people hikesd with us so I posted their pics.


We are finally near mountains. Rapid City, SD not far from Mt Rushmore. Going to be in this area for 10 days. Will plan on being up at Mt Rushmore for the celebration of the 4th of July, fireworks and music. Also will go to see Crazy Horse, and Custer State Park.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


TOOK OUR FIRST OFF ROAD TOUR TODAY. Had a great time. The Ford did well. Pic is of a back road part of the Badlands Southern part

Monday, June 22, 2009


We made it to Interior, SD. We are camped with the Badlands out our window. Plan to stay and hike for a couple of days. Scant cell service here. We are without TV. Just XM to keep us company

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Here we are at Sioux Falls, SD. We attempted to stay at Big Sioux State Park, however the rain had left the sites looking like Lakes! Soooo we moved on and the choices were a KOA or Jellystone neither are our favorites. But after the transient park last night this is beautiful. Rain has finally stopped. We will move on towards the badlands.
We have no had the chance to hike yet. Hopefully the next few days will change and we will get a chance to hike.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Who's on the road again?

Well the time has come for us to move on without the boys. We left Springfield this morning and went to St Joseph, Mo for the night. Not so long a distance, but it was raining all day. Jim went to the Pony Express Museum and I finished cleaning up the RV.

While in Springfield, we got to go backstage at the Zoo and the boys got to feed the Owls...mice YUK. They loved it.Here is a Picture of the Bard Owl


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jim and the boys try the tube

We got Jim out there with the boys to give his arm a good workout

More Lake fun

Hunter age 7 learned to wakeboard on his own and is now working on using a longer rope
