Tuesday, April 3, 2012

R-Ranch in Sequioa

When we got back to California, we had a day to do wash and repack for a trip to the mountains and SNOW. Some relaxing and trip planning for the "big" trip this summer occurred in the peacefulness of no computer, e-mail, or phones. A little hiking and lots of eating. Then it was back to LA (just in time, it snowed 6-10 inches the day we left). Home the next day to await the next adventure>>>>>>>>>>>>>

OH! the whales, even a mother and baby (look closely beside the boat there are 2 whales).
And finally a spectacular sunset before we left for California again..

Catamaran Cruise of Cabo San Lucas harbor

What a night! After putting this trip off for several nights while waiting for the winds to lay down, we were rewarded with a great cruise. Only 11 passengers, all you can drink and great guacamole.
Captain Jim guided us safely out of the harbor.....The arch was beautiful,

Santa Rita

The weather was cool for their standards, high 70's in daytime 50's at night.
So when we went to a "hot spring" it was very warm.
Then a trip to LaPaz where we saw the "Mushroom Rock"

Cabo San Lucas

Great time was had by all in Cabo. From our balcony we could see whales in the Pacific. We also had a beautiful beach to walk on.