Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Springfield Projects

In case you wondered where we are, we are at Jim's sister's house. Doing a few small projects for her. After being on the RV for so long we needed to do some real "home improvements".

Friday, October 9, 2009

Special Shape Balloons

WOW! If the Balloon Fiesta is not on your "bucket list" it is a must see.

We have gone over morning and night for all the flights and glows. We are having great fun, but alas will leave tomorrow and will really be heading home....slowly, but heading East

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Balloon Fiesta

We feel like kids in a candy store. Where do you look first, which do you take pictures of. You can assist the balloonist to get up in the air by holding baskets, lines or what ever they need. What fun.

Tomorrow the special shapes fly. Hope to see more, get cards and have a great time.

Rained today so all event cancelled.