Tuesday, September 15, 2015


New screen door at cabin

Captain Linda


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Last Night at Rocky Mountain National Park

Adams Falls

Rocky Stream

Wonderful Peaceful reflection

Rocky Mountain National Park trail ridge road trip-a good day for animalsOur

our campsites


Big Horn Sheep

More Moose

Aspens changing color

Alberta Falls at Bear Lake

Bull Elk and his "women"

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Winding River Resort at Grand Lake, Co

little guy is a yellow belly marmot

yes it is that cold

lava flow area

short .5 mile hike to top of Alpine Ridge

Yup 12005 ft of elevation.  2 miles above sea level

a little Pika lived near the top

Glen Echo in the Poudre Canyon

our spots

Thursday, September 3, 2015


on the road to Thermopolis

Wind Canyon Highway

Wind River

Latest collapse of mountain was Memorial Day weekend. 

Man's dog that we met and he told us lots of history

Two of three tunnels on highway

Wyoming is largest area for dino bones

real bones

Real leg and hip bones

Albertaceratops found here

Area being worked for 10 years now
Then off to a Mineral Spring soak.  Supposed to be the worlds largest mineral pool.  But it has dried up to where there is only an indoor and outdoor pool.  Out door one being resurfaced.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


black specs in middle of picture are Grisly Bears